Mini Aquawing for the Home. Testing in my house currently. This little guy should eliminate the gross frontloader smell, provide softer clothes without softener, and sanitize my wash wheel. I will let you know how it goes with my family before rolling it out for sale!
San-O3-Wash ozone for laundromats: amazing. Saw 20: growth. Customers love the clean smell, sanitized wash wheels, and soft clothes. I am getting one for all my future and current stores.
Stay Alfred Vacation Rentals uses Aquawing Validated Ozone Systems to sanitize their linens and their wash wheels with every load.
Brand New San-03-Wash system that can be displayed in your laundromat!
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National Laundry Equipment, LLC is your source for laundry processing solutions that work, from Maytag, Yamamoto, and Harmony laundry equipment to Aquawing Ozone systems and chemical offerings. Call us today. We cannot wait to help you.