Honor, Service, Experience.

These 3 words have define National Laundry Equipment, LLC. In short, we provide top quality equipment, parts, service, and consultation for your commercial laundry needs. We serve the coin operated laundry and laundromat community as well as institutions in need of large on-premise laundry system applications.


Should I Replace Old Tumble Dryers?

When customers leave your store, their impression typically revolves around the last piece of equipment they use: the drying tumblers. With this in mind, it's important to make sure the machines you...

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Corporate Decisions…

I recently spoke with a customer of mine who had a problem.  His laundry room already operates at the maximum capacity, and he just got news that he was going to have to 3 sheet every bed.  That...

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What Makes a Good Route Laundry?

So, over the past few days, I have been thinking about what makes a good route laundry.  At NLE, we believe it is a simple equation of service.  Many of the route companies out there are more...

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Should my Coin Laundry Have a Facebook Page?

The answer is yes, yes, and yes.  We believe that your coin laundry is not just a laundry.  It is, in fact, a social gathering place.  Whether you know it or not, people actually do socialize in...

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Happy About Clean Sheets

Well, folks, I had an interesting weekend.  Saturday night, I developed acute appendicitis, and in the space of a few hours, I was in some SERIOUS PAIN!!!  So, I headed to the ER, had a CT scan, and...

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You Are What You Eat.

I recently had an interesting exchange with a large laundry processor.  They were worried because their equipment was burning up a certain kind of blanket.  So, I went over there and tested the...

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Rosco Overman is Looking for Him a Woman

Rosco is looking for him a woman.  So, where does he decide to post this "want ad"?  Believe it or not, the coin laundry!  Your laundry is, in fact, a community center -- not just a place to wash...

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