When customers leave your store, their impression typically revolves around the last piece of equipment they use: the drying tumblers. With this in mind, it's important to make sure the machines you...
Corporate Decisions…
I recently spoke with a customer of mine who had a problem. His laundry room already operates at the maximum capacity, and he just got news that he was going to have to 3 sheet every bed. That...
What Makes a Good Route Laundry?
So, over the past few days, I have been thinking about what makes a good route laundry. At NLE, we believe it is a simple equation of service. Many of the route companies out there are more...
Should my Coin Laundry Have a Facebook Page?
The answer is yes, yes, and yes. We believe that your coin laundry is not just a laundry. It is, in fact, a social gathering place. Whether you know it or not, people actually do socialize in...
Happy About Clean Sheets
Well, folks, I had an interesting weekend. Saturday night, I developed acute appendicitis, and in the space of a few hours, I was in some SERIOUS PAIN!!! So, I headed to the ER, had a CT scan, and...
You Are What You Eat.
I recently had an interesting exchange with a large laundry processor. They were worried because their equipment was burning up a certain kind of blanket. So, I went over there and tested the...
Leading Successfully: This Article Really Hit Home, Hope You Like It!
Leaders inspire people to do amazing things; the types of things that their followers would not do on their own. With leadership, a vision and competitive advantage becomes reality. The more change...
Rosco Overman is Looking for Him a Woman
Rosco is looking for him a woman. So, where does he decide to post this "want ad"? Believe it or not, the coin laundry! Your laundry is, in fact, a community center -- not just a place to wash...