Yesterday, I had the opportunity to discuss the vended laundry business with Dave Menz, the Laundromat Millionaire. Dave, as you can imagine, is a really great person,...
Yamamoto Highlighted in the WSJ!
Here is the WSJ article about Yamamoto Laundry Equipment. If you want to go to the direct link, go here: Paid Program: Forward Thinking ( Forward Thinking Yamamoto Manufacturing Co....
Happy Holidays and Good Bye 2020
Well, it has been a truly difficult year for everyone. Together, we have weathered a global pandemic with all of the anxiety, sadness, and grief that that entails. Though I always heard about the...
We Were on the Laundromat Resource Podcast
Well, they stooped low enough to let us speak on the Laundromat Resource Podcast! It was an amazing experience, and Jordan is a really great guy. I hope you will follow him. His podcasts are full of...
San-O3-Wash System Battles Ozone in Portland Laundromat
Check out this video! A west coast laundromat owner takes precautions against COVID-19, especially featuring the San-O3-Wash system to sanitize their wash wheels!
Alliance Laundry Systems Removes Restrictions on 3rd Party Payment Systems
We at National Laundry Equipment hope you are doing well and are making it through the pandemic. Now is the time for a little good news, and happily, we have some:Alliance has come to their senses...
Keeping Yourself and Your Customers Safe from COVID-19
The COVID-19 situation continues to change daily, and I know that you are looking to maximize your cleanliness in your laundry. Your NLE team has been looking into ways to keep you and your...
BEAM Video Games Providing Open House Pricing for NLE
Remember that incredible BEAM video game we featured at our Dickson location? Yeah, that thing is great. Keeps kids from crashing my carts all over the laundry, and keeps the customers happy that...