Every now and again something comes across my field of view that is truly astounding. While I was in Las Vegas at the Clean Show last summer, I became acquainted with the Yamamoto family of laundry...
Don’t Let Your Cashless Customers Starve. Seriously Bad Form
You ever go into a bad mamba-jamba FasCard enabled laundromat, put your clothes in the washer, hit go on your phone through your app...only to realize you're a starvin' pilgrim in need of a snack,...
National Laundry Equipment Launches Equipment Leasing Program
GET BRAND NEW, A-TIER, LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT WITH ZERO UPFRONT CAPITAL. Click here for more information! Are you stuck with old, broken down laundry equipment? Are you waiting for a serviceman to fix...
Popular Dry-Cleaning Chemicals to be Shortly Banned.
Please see the original article here. Thankfully, technologies such as the Harmony Cleaning System alleviate these problems in a cost effective manner! The maestro cleaning agent cleans dry clean...
Clean show is sold out for the first time in 20 years! Check out the original article here. All exhibit space for June 5-8 show in Vegas has been reserved LAS VEGAS — All available exhibit space...
Doing Good for Your Community Through Your Laundry
This is a great American Coin Op Article. See the original article here: Make your store the venue for good things to happen Your Laundromat can be much more than the small business that...
How to Find the Right Distributor Part 2
The conclusion of the article found here by Kathryn Rowan Building Trust Between Operator and Distributor (Conclusion) puzzle-handshake-ISS_4804_00199puzzle_web.jpg (Credit: © Michael Darcy...
Building Trust Between Operator and Distributor
Our favorite Kathryn Rowan has a great article in American Coin-Op. Check out the original by following this link. Building Trust Between Operator and Distributor (Part 1) handshake.jpg...