Equipment Leasing Program
• NO upfront capital for equipment needed! National Laundry Equipment has a variety of packages that will provide you with brand new, highly efficient laundry equipment with no capital investment for equipment.
• FREE installation! National Laundry Equipment will set the equipment for free. You will be up and running with incredible new equipment in no time. Please understand, we are not electricians, plumbers, or mechanical contractors, so we cannot provide new or upgrades to current utilities, venting, or drain systems. The necessary infrastructure must be provided.
• EXTREME efficiency! We only provide the best Maytag, Wasco and Yamamoto laundry equipment, that will save you money month after month with some of the most utilities pinching equipment on the planet. Plus, you get access to our award-winning chemical line to keep you running at top efficiency throughout the lease.
• EXTREME productivity! Virtually eliminate downtime, and cut per load time with high G extract speeds on washer-extractors and super efficient dryers!
• AWESOME flexibility! No-one provides more options than National Laundry Equipment! We even have leasing plans for the Harmony Cleaning System, that allows you to do dry-clean only material without dangerous dry-cleaning chemicals!
• FREE replacement parts and service! Your laundry equipment will be maintained by the best technicians on the planet. Period.
• PERFECT for businesses looking to simplify or offer more services at no upfront cost for equipment.
MEDICAL FACILITIES: Leasing of laundry equipment is often reimbursable by Medicare. Just have a look at the CMS reporting forms!
Our Commercial Laundry Equipment Leasing Program is perfect for any business that needs new laundry equipment: Hospitals, Hotels, Hopices, Nursing Homes, Gyms, Spas, etc. Plus, leasing this equipment will keep it off your balance sheet- making it an attractive alternative for the savvy business manager looking to manage taxation and future tax liability.
So, if you need new, A-Tier, laundry equipment — equipment that will save you time and money — but don’t have the budget for that equipment or want to manage tax liability, please call us today about our equipment leasing program!
Common Packages Include:
1. THE SIXTY. The sixty includes two HCN060 60# washer-extractors, two HT075 natural gas operated tumble dryers, and free service and parts.
2. THE SPEEDY SIXTY. Our most popular program, includes two multi-weight, extremely high-extract, Yamamoto WUN70 70# Washer-Extractors, two HT075 natural gas operated tumble dryers, and service and parts.
3. THE HARMONIC. Purpose built for those businesses who enjoy customers with an eye for luxury, The Harmonic provides a WUD220S system, service and parts.
We are happy to tailor a leasing package for your exact needs throughout our wide range of equipment. CALL US TODAY with any questions!