Guess what? I have some seriously great news for you folks. If you attend the open house on October, 10, 2018 (that’s a Wednesday, so mark it down), Sol-O-Matic have offered some amazing deals for you. And you don’t even have to clean your plate. Although, Andy’s low country broil is pretty amazing, so you will probably be coming back for 3rds. Seriously. It is good.
Anyway, check out what the good people propose for you OPEN HOUSE goers:
- FREE extended 4th and 5th year warranty for qualified vended products.
- Mad discounts. MAD REBATES! Check out the chart:
THE ONLY CATCH IS THAT WE HAVE TO ORDER YOUR STUFF BY NOVEMBER 10, so you have a month to get it going in the brain.
Now, on to Sol-O-Matic, the bulkhead, table, and furniture company. These guys are awesome, and they want to extend to you a FREE granite upgrade. SO, you get the SUPER COOL looking stuff for the price of the regular stuff. HOWZAT?
But, you gotta show up. And we have to order by November 10, 2018. So, come by, eat with us, have a great time, and get some discounts. What could be better?
HOW ABOUT FINANCE DISCOUNTS! SO, how is that for incredible????
I can’t wait to see you on October 10.