Honor, Service, Experience.

These 3 words have define National Laundry Equipment, LLC. In short, we provide top quality equipment, parts, service, and consultation for your commercial laundry needs. We serve the coin operated laundry and laundromat community as well as institutions in need of large on-premise laundry system applications.

Pre-Owned Coin Laundry Equipment

Below are great deals on pre-owned coin laundry equipment in our warehouse.  Please call us if you are interested: (615) 885-1115.

We have 2 of these GAS coin operated dryers - stack.  They are perfect for your apartment complex or coin laundry.  Only $1,500.00 each!

We have 2 of these NATURAL GAS coin operated dryers – stack. They are perfect for your apartment complex or coin laundry. Only $1,500.00 each!

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